Authorized Assessment Centres

TOWES Assessement Centre







Authorized TOWES Assessment Centres provide invigilation services by a certified TOWES administrator for clients, employers or test takers requiring TOWES assessment proctoring. Authorized TOWES Assessment Centres can be found all across Canada.

Click on your region listed below to find an Authorized TOWES Assessment Centre near you.

BC British Columbia QC Québec
AB Alberta NB New Brunswick
SK Saskatchewan NS Nova Scotia
Manitoba Manitoba NFL Newfoundland
ON Ontario PEI
Prince Edward Island

YTNWTNunavut Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut


If your organization is interested in becoming an Authorized TOWES Assessment Centre, contact TOWES for more information.



345 6 Avenue S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2G 4V1
p: 403.410.3200
f: 403.297.4070
©2024 TOWES Canada's Essential Credential.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide. TOWES is the sole property of Bow Valley College and is sold through authorized distributors only.
©2024 Bow Valley College. All rights reserved.