New Canadians



New Canadians face many challenges becoming establishing in Canada and entering the labour market.  TOWES is as proven tool for helping immigrants prepare for and succeed in the workforce.

TOWES provides…

  • A compliment to language assessment. Individuals can demonstrate their skills and how they would apply those skills in the specific context of the Canadian labour market.
  • Familiarization to the Canadian workplace.  It helps immigrants to understand the types of tasks and/or challenges they will encounter on the job.
  • Confirmation of work readiness; demonstration of competency in the core skills needed for all Canadian occupations.
  • Identification of skill gaps pre-employment and an opportunity at remedial training.
  • A good understanding of the culture of the Canadian workplace.


Click here to find out more.



345 6 Avenue S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2G 4V1
p: 403.410.3200
f: 403.297.4070
©2024 TOWES Canada's Essential Credential.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide. TOWES is the sole property of Bow Valley College and is sold through authorized distributors only.
©2024 Bow Valley College. All rights reserved.