Domain-Specific Assessments

TOWES is excited to announce a variety of Domain-Specific options in paper-based and web-based format. These are available as standalone Document Use (DU), Reading Text (RT), or Numeracy (N), or as combined 2-domain tools.

  • Shorter assessment sessions
  • Pinpoint aptitude in a specific skill area based on program requirements
  • Results report follows same framework as standard 3-domain assessments


2-Domain (DU, N) - NEW
level: 2/3
delivery: paper
language: EN
Provides a thorough indication of foundational skills in Document Use &Numeracy only

2-Domain (RT, N) - NEW
level: varies
delivery: web
language: EN & FR
Provides a thorough indication of foundational skills in Reading Text & Numeracy only

1-Domain (DU)
level: varies
delivery: paper & web
language: EN & FR
Provides a thorough indication of foundational skills in Document Use only

1-Domain (RT)
level: varies
delivery: web
language: EN & FR
Provides a thorough indication of foundational skills in Reading Text only

1-Domain (N)
level: varies
delivery: web
language: EN & FR
Provides a thorough indication of foundational skills in Numeracy only

Contact your TOWES or your TOWES Distributor for information on how to order.



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p: 403.410.3200
f: 403.297.4070
©2024 TOWES Canada's Essential Credential.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide. TOWES is the sole property of Bow Valley College and is sold through authorized distributors only.
©2024 Bow Valley College. All rights reserved.